Friday, December 4, 2009

What I'm Going to Miss

I thought I would take some pics of some things I would miss about the fire station and about being a firefighter.  The uncomfortable recliners?   The interrupted movies?  The 3 am snot-slingers?  I couldn't think of a whole lot I would miss here except for my crew.  I never shared a college dorm with room mates so I did gain an appreciation for the male comradery that came along with the shift work.  I will miss the guys.  Also engine 6 was my first truck I drove as an engineer.  Coincidentally it was just retired to rest at this very station with me.   I guess ill miss old engine 6.  I still say its the best truck we have..  rides like a Bitch but it rarely ran out of water...  1250 gallons can put out lots of fire.  Besides its a Pierce which any fireman knows is a much better truck than our newer smooth driving E Ones.  I've always said the Pierce was like having a vintage Mercedes rather than a brand new Dodge sedan.  It's the only truck that still has the original door handles.  Quality.  Well its 8:30 pm and nearing my last night at the station.  I hope to God we don't have a fire.  I hope we all get a good nights rest... the entire department,  the entire city, and all my friends, fans and family.   Love you all.  Captain Aubrey Holman... signing off.  

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