Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Swiss Cheese Cake

Ok I know it's been a long time.  Sorry.  Been busy with the new job.  I'm finally settling down enough to start blogging again.  Here is something Angela and I made last night.  It's our first cake!  Were so proud!  Hope you like it and ill be on track again soon.

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  1. That is so cute! Especially the mouse droppings! Yum!

  2. Oh and don't feel bad about not blogging. I set up a blog for Irv about 6 months ago and he hasn't posted anything yet! :)

  3. You beat me to the cake photos!! I think I am going to let them appear on another blog before I post about it :)

  4. Seriously, I think you all will win!!!

  5. Kathy: Thank you first of all and to be honest (besides the rats themselves) the droppings were the only tasty thing on the cake.. My opinion of course. Oh and I've been writing for years but I'm still trying to get used to blogging.. can't say I blame Irv.

    Shug: You have way more followers than me so it doesn't matter. However my followers are the BEST IN THE WHOLE WORLD!

    CC: If he ever sees it we may.. I'm hoping so, thank you!
