Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Get to the Point Already!!

I've been guilty of it. Impatience. Especially with older folks. I was never around my grandparents on either of my parents' sides. The only old folks I knew of were Mrs. Bradshaw down the street. All I knew of her is that one week she would tell me to "let those mimosa saplings grow... I wanna let em come on out." Then the very next week I would show up with my lawn equipment and she would say: "would you just go on and cut down them mimosa's... I'm just SICK of em!" I met my dad's dad from time to time.. He never said much that I remember. Just kinda sat around and bickered here and there like an old fart. I never saw much of him at all in fact. My mom's dad was a little different. Quite a character actually. Like my Mom. When he exited the plane with his lays around his neck and loud Hawaiian shirt you could tell people were looking at him not knowing what to think. You could tell he was a party animal in his day. He spoke loudly and didn't mind swearing loudly either. I only got to see him maybe 3 times in my life. Not that I'm complaining or looking for sympathy, it's just that my lack of contact with the older generation has left me with little patience or understanding of older folks. Now as I sit to write this blog, I think of all my other accounts here on the net. Twitter, Facebook, myspace. Of course I could just copy and paste this blog into the others but how do you sum up a session like this into one sentence? People are so impatient now days.... including myself. Yet when I write, it's very exhaustive. Should I strip all the good stuff away and just show everyone the end results? Personally I would feel cheated if I bought a book from Amazon and sat down to read it only to find one page that said, "The butler did it." At the same time I don't want to end up being that old guy who tells everyone his life story either. You know those right... the ones you don't wanna visit cause you know you'll never get away? Sad but true. But, do we want to become a nation of one liners?
"Sup Man?"
"Not much... bout you?"
"Not much here.... gonna rain?"
"Can't say" "Well.... when it rains it pours."
"Like cats and dogs"
"I'm two sheets to the wind man"
"Got a ride?"
"Got two feet"

Ok back to the point: Are we such an instant gratified people that we push all the work aside and go straight for the result? And why shouldn't we be. We drive 40 thousdand dollar cars that we don't understand, talk on cell phones we have no idea how the work, we eat foods of which we can't read their ingredients, we surf the net and have no idea what or where the "internet" actually is... and we live in a country run by the Government (which is us) and yet we have no idea who "They" are who's calling the shots. So... how can I sum all of this into one small short sentence?

I seriously doubt the person who came up with "Stop and Smell the Roses" just walked along and said.."Know what.... I'm going to smell these roses and then write a single sentence that includes the word roses in it".

NO! These Ideas come from long drawn out thoughts and experiences, sometimes the death of a loved on or a war experience leads to a long chain of thoughts that can be simplified into a powerful lasting phrase. These phrases are what songwriters and poets and wordsmiths long to discover. Of course... rarely does the story survive. Sad though.. that's all the good stuff! What's a punch-line without the joke? Sure you can drink the juice but it's better to eat the fruit. HA HA! I'll be damned! there's my line.... oh they're coming to me now! gotta go!

Keep the donut just gimme the glaze. Nah.. that one sucks.

1 comment:

  1. I want to know more about your Grandpa? What did he look like? Why was everyone looking at him?

    Ok, I have to go to work. So, I will get to the point:

    I love you!
