Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blood Sucking Fiends!!

I hate mosquitos! Does anybody else live in a swamp like we do? Does it even make sense to live in such an area? I read a book one time by Jerry Seinfield "Sein Language". He exposed the ignorance of humans by discussing the invention of the motorcycle helmet. He claimed that people were falling off of these motorcycles and cracking their skulls.. To remedy the cracking of skulls, instead of not riding motorcycles, we invented helmets so that we could continue riding the skull cracking machines which lead to broken arms, legs, necks and also caused many deaths. Anyway I kinda feel the same way when I'm lying in bed on a perfectly cool evening and yet I'm relying on an air-conditioning unit to cool me off because I can't open a window due to the fact that there are no screens on it and there are these quarter-sized blood-sucking insects swarming by the millions at every corner and crack in the building. The air-conditioner unit is frozen solid by the way so it's going to be a loooong night. So anyway, every time I'm laying in bed and I hear the mosquito plane flying overhead (yes there is such a thing) spraying God knows what into the air to "thin out" the mosquito population one handful at a time, I get the feeling that maybe this isn't the right place for humans to build houses. Of course it's a little too late for that. I'm here and I'm at work! If I were home I would have some windows open "cause I got screens at home". Even with screens there are always a few blood-suckers who manage to slip in the door every time it's opened throughout the day. And believe you me, it only takes ONE mosquito to ruin a good nights sleep! I can't count the many times I've rolled out of bed in the morning with my arms swollen and itchy to find a ripe plump mosquito hanging onto the wall for dear life cause it's too fat to fly from sucking my wife's or my blood all night. Ever smashed a full mosquito? It looks like something you'd see on CSI when you're eating spaghetti on a week night in front of the tv.


Thank you and God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Ok

    Slow moving con artists check
    birds check
    mosquitoes check

    right there with ya babe! I wish you were home tonight too. Cause I have the windows up and the AC off! Sorry babe...weird how we both had a work day without air this week...
