Thursday, July 16, 2009

Coyote Blue

I've been reading Coyote Blue by Christopher Moore... It started out okay then got better.. Now I'm catching myself laughing out loud here and there... I may have misunderstood this one... When I'm done I may read it again.. just to see if, just maybe, I missed something... If you're a Christopher Moore fan.. can you suggest a good one to start off on? I'm a big Douglas Adams fan so it's hard to find someone who compares. Ok.. gotta get to work now.. Piece!


  1. I suggest you go in alphabetical order :) Hee hee

  2. Oh and we need to take another picture. I look like I am missing a tooth in that one. See?

  3. My fav book of all time is Moore's A Dirty Job. Finally got Y to read it and he his really enjoying it as well. I also have read and suggest his Bloodsucking Fiends and You Suck a Love Story in that order. Actually you may want to read A Dirty Job after these but it really doesn't matter if you read it first (the characters intermingle in all of these a bit).
